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Brand: BodyHealt
Color: Glow in the Dark Lid
Publisher: BodyHealt
Details: Male Urinals With Cover, 32 oz (1000 mL) Capacity, Translucent, Single Patient Use. Translucent urinals permit measuring ease and visualization of contents. Graduated on three sides in 25 cc and 1 ounce increments up to 1000 cc for easy-to-read volume measurements. Specially designed notched handle conveniently hangs on most styles and sizes of bed-rails. Handle is a separate chamber and will not fill during use. Snug-fitting cover is marked "urinal" to avoid other uses. Wide base improves standing stability, empty or full. Pronounced neck angle helps confine contents when urinal is positioned horizontally.
Package Dimensions: 8.8 x 4.6 x 2.7 inches
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